Customer Testimonials

Over the years we\'ve worked with many landscape contractors... A Great Choice took over our account just over three years ago and we couldn\'t be happier. From our snow removal, seasonal clean ups and on-going maintenance of our lawns, hardscapes and water fall, they do it all. Their complete service offerings has made it easier as we no longer have to coordinate contractors and the finger pointing of responsibility if an issue arises no longer exists. All this and they reduced our yearly spending too!
Binghamton, NY
  • 5
My lawn never looked better. We hired A Great Choice Lawn Care & Landscaping last spring and in just one year our lawn and landscape looks like it\'s right out of my wife\'s magazine! My lawn is now the envy of the neighborhood and I now have more time for golf! We definitely made \"A Great Choice\"!
Vestal, NY
  • 5
These guys are the pros! Their work is meticulous, their prices competitive and their crews are friendly and polite! Thank you for keeping my property appealing to my clients and visitors!
Endicott, NY
  • 5
My husband did our lawn since we were married. Due to his recent surgery he can’t push the mower and we had to hire a company to take care of our lawn. My neighbor recommended I call Mr. Sacco and see if he could help us. After our first conversation I was sold on him and his company and since then it has been a pleasure having him take care of our property. His guys are always on time and go the extra step to make sure they give our yard the same attention that my husband once gave it with little things like cleaning the sidewalks, making sure the rain pipes are still on the elbows and all of my flowers have enough water. They care for all of our plants and shrubs now. We couldn\'t be happier.
Endwell, NY
  • 5
We found Great Choice randomly after calling a bunch of local places, and we are so glad we did. We had started a stone step and retaining wall project on our own, and after dozens of hours of work and digging we realized we were out of our league and needed professional help. We also needed it finished fast, as Halloween was only a week away and our property had become a downright dangerous place for trick or treaters to be! We called around, and since our project was already half done and mostly dug, it seemed that nobody else wanted to take over a half completed project, and the ones who were willing to couldn\'t do it for weeks or months down the road. Not only did Great Choice want to help, but they had guys out and working within days of calling them. The project was completed way faster than we thought it would be and for an amazingly fair price (HALF of even the cheapest quotes we got from other places.) Great Choice not only completed the project exactly how we wanted it to be, but they did it for much less than their competitors and got it done extremely quick. We recommend them to anyone looking to have rock or stone work done (or any landscaping projects). 5 stars! (From a Customer at
Endicott, NY
  • 5


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